Henry Giroux: Trump’s Enabling of Violence and Hate Is a Form of State Terrorism
The most noxious element of neoliberalism is the reduction of all social issues to personal responsibility, says Giroux.
What’s Next for Public Education in 2019
We have the power to reverse the trend toward neoliberal education reform that predates Trump and DeVos.
Trump’s Racist Language of Pollution Drives His Neoliberal Fascism
The politics of disposability now exists at the highest levels of the US government.
George H.W. Bush Was an Enemy of the Working Class
Bush Sr. bears plenty of responsibility for the uncivil world we live in today.
Tear Gas at the Border: Trump and the Endgame of Capitalism
To dismantle Trump's policies, we first have to dismantle the neoliberal society that created him.
Neoliberalism Has Vandalized Latin America
The roots of the migrant crisis go back decades.
Donald Trump’s Fascist Politics and the Language of Disappearance
Trump’s language seems buffoonish, but he’s no clown. His rhetoric is meant to destroy thought and democracy.
Authoritarian Rule to Revolution: What Can the US Learn From Mexico?
US hegemony appears much weaker on the world stage than at any point in recent memory.
Pedagogy for Profit: Education Under Capitalism
Neoliberal capitalism has turned the wrecking of public schools into a source of profit for the wealthy.
Trump, Kavanaugh and the Path to Neoliberal Fascism
The Kavanaugh hearings should serve to remind us that we live in increasingly dangerous times.