Henry Giroux: Black Lives Matter Rebellions Are Pushing for Structural Change
A growing international movement among youth raises new hopes for rethinking the future.
Racist Violence Can’t Be Separated From the Violence of Neoliberal Capitalism
Neoliberal society is built on the myth that economic prosperity is hermetically sealed from racial and social justice.
Pandemic and Oil Crisis Could Make Second Arab Spring Return With a Vengeance
Until the region sees grassroots-driven transformation, the Middle East and North Africa will remain in deep crisis.
Declaring War on a Virus Ignores the Neoliberal Policies That Put Us Here
The language of war and invasion from outside veils the racist and classist response of the state to the present crisis.
My 92-Year-Old Mother’s COVID Experience Shows How Rotten Our Health System Is
Democracy Now! co-host Juan González describes how he struggled to get his own 92-year-old mother tested.
Chomsky and Pollin: To Heal From COVID-19, We Must Imagine a Different World
Will the coronavirus crisis lead to a new way of organizing society?
Sanders “Broke the Spell” of Neoliberalism as Trump Pushes COVID-19 Capitalism
Bernie Sanders “opened up the window of what was possible politically in this country,” says journalist Naomi Klein.
The COVID-19 Pandemic Is Exposing the Plague of Neoliberalism
Decades of neoliberal policies have deeply eroded the notions of public good, social contracts and solidarity.
Chomsky: Ventilator Shortage Exposes the Cruelty of Neoliberal Capitalism
Obama ordered more ventilators, but corporate profit motives derailed the effort, leaving us unprepared for COVID-19.
Neoliberal Austerity and Private Health Care Has Worsened US Pandemic
Gasping for air, gasping for care. What does global health justice look like?