The Militarized Pacific: An Anniversary Without End
The Pacific remains a region scarred by militarism, colonialism and an ongoing legacy of racism and war without end.
Dina Rasor | Your Must-Do Assignment for 2014: Read This Chart and Pass It On
Will you share this chart showing that the US is grossly spending more than all our perceived enemies combined?
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Could a US-Japan “Green Alliance” Transform the Climate-Energy Equation?
During President Obama's recent trip to Japan, there was no emphasis on US-Japan military cooperation on climate change.
Washington’s Pivot to Ignorance: Will the State Department Torpedo Its Last Great Program?
Often it's the little things coming out of Washington, obscured by the big, scary headlines, that matter most in the long run.
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Facing the Dangers of 21st Century Great Power War
Could the clash of the world powers over Ukraine lead to a new cold war?
The United States Military Junta
Our military, thanks to the wording of the National Defense Authorization Act, now has the power to label us terrorists, capture us, lock us up in jail, and hold …
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Pivot for Peace, Not for War
President Obama travels to East Asia this week to reinforce his administration's military pivot to Asia and the Pacific and to rescue the faltering Trans-Pacific Partnership “free trade” agreement.
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Militarist Threat to Japan’s Democracy
You can imagine the outrage if German politicians visited or gave offerings to a shrine that denied the Holocaust.
Prophecy Delivered! Martin Luther King Jr. and the Death of Democracy
Are we witnessing the death of democracy in the United States that Martin Luther King foretold?
William Rivers Pitt | Weaponized Cops and the Future of Freedom
It is hard to avoid the feeling that the tremendous arming of the police is inspired by the fear of unrest looming over the horizon, of rising seas, rising …