
House Voting on Bipartisan Amendment to Stop Federal Medical Marijuana Raids
The US House could vote on a bipartisan amendment to the Commerce-Justice-Science spending bill that would prohibit the federal government from wasting taxpayer money interfering with state medical marijuana …

Worldwide Campaign: Cannabis for Therapeutic Purposes Is a Human Right
An international consortium of medical cannabis organisations are demanding that humans, regardless of state or allegiance and without qualification, be able to use cannabis therapeutically.

Hemp Defies Hurdles to Make a Comeback in Spain
Spain is experiencing a resurgence of hemp, one of the species of cannabis with the lowest THC content, which has been used for millennia to produce textile, medicinal and …

The War on Drugs Destroys Lives: Here Are Six Things You Can Do About It
The movement to end the violence through the decriminalization of drugs has never had so much momentum. And it's never been easier to get involved.

First Quarter Marijuana Possession Arrest Data Released: NYPD On Path to Make As Many Marijuana Arrests in 2014 as in Previous Year
Today the Marijuana Arrest Research Project released data showing that racially bias marijuana arrests continue to be one of the leading arrests in New York City, despite the precipitous …

Marijuana Refugees: Virginia Family Moves to Colorado to Treat Epileptic Child With Cannabis Oil
Last year, Dara Lightle and her nine-year-old daughter, Madeleine, became “marijuana refugees” when they moved from Virginia to Colorado.

Uruguay Releases Regulations for World’s First National Legal Marijuana Market
Consumers Must Choose Between 3 Forms of Access: Domestic Cultivation, Membership Clubs, or Licensed Sales in Pharmacies.

Absurd: Colorado Veterans Suffering From PTSD Denied Legal Marijuana in Colorado
Yesterday, a bill failed to pass the Colorado House State, Veterans, and Military Affairs committee that would have added post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) to the list of "debilitating medical …

Brooklyn DA Thompson Gets Strong Support From Elected Officials and Community Groups for His Proposal to End Low-Level Marijuana Possession in BK
Brooklyn elected officials, community groups, and advocates rallied on the steps of Borough Hall to support District Attorney Ken Thompson's proposal to stop prosecuting people arrested for possessing small …

New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program’s Medical Advisory Board Recommends Adding Alzheimer’s Disease to the List of Eligible Conditions
The New Mexico Medical Cannabis Program's Medical Advisory Board voted unanimously to add neurodegenerative dementia including Alzheimer's disease to the list of medical conditions eligible for the Medical Cannabis …