
The Other Midterm Elections Result: Americans Want Legal Weed
The majority of Americans believe the ongoing enforcement of marijuana prohibition financially burdens taxpayers, encroaches upon civil liberties and disproportionately impacts communities of color.

NYPD Poised to Stop Wasteful Low-Level Marijuana Possession Arrests, Individuals Would Instead Be Ticketed and Ordered to Court
The de Blasio Administration plans to end low-level marijuana possession arrests in New York City.

Voters Across Country Accelerate Unprecedented Momentum to Legalize Marijuana, End Drug War
Oregon and D.C. - and Alaska? - pass marijuana legislation, as California and New Jersey pass groundbreaking criminal justice reforms.

War. Huh. What Is It Good For?
the common misconception is that the legalization is only to benefit the stoners and pot-heads. It's not.

Activists Release Comedic Video Series Urging Oregon Voters to Legalize Marijuana
Crowdsourced videos feature comedians and actors showing how easy it is to vote in Oregon and end marijuana prohibition.

Tale of Two New Yorks Endures Under de Blasio as NYPD Continues Discriminatory Marijuana Arrest Crusade
Extreme racial disparities persist as Blacks and Latinos make up 86% of marijuana possession arrests, despite young Whites using at higher rates.

Uruguay’s Legalization of Marijuana Makes Sense in a Senseless Drug War
In December of last year, Uruguay became the first country in the world to fully legalize and regulate the cultivation, sale, distribution and use of marijuana.

Truthout Interviews Featuring Paul Armentano on Marijuana, Alcohol and the Law
Ted Asregadoo talks to Deputy Director of the National Organization for the Reform of Marijuana Laws Paul Armentano.

Marijuana Decriminalization a Racial Justice Victory in Philadelphia
Combined, this year's series of national victories around marijuana decriminalization may look spontaneous, but they in fact speak to years of racial justice organizing and the cultural shift around …

Booze or Pot? No Question Which Substance Is More Harmful to Health
Why is marijuana a schedule I controlled substance when all the objective evidence yields the conclusion it is far safer than alcohol?