
Move to the Right
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Is “Right to Work” Next on Walker’s Agenda?
Many are wondering if making Wisconsin a “Right to Work” state is next on Governor Scott Walker's agenda if he wins the recall election on June 5. Right to …

Counter Revolution Disguised as Democracy in Egypt
The revolutionaries who toppled the hated dictator Mubarak will have zero representation in the upcoming runoff election for president.

Boulder Votes to Free Its Electric Company
Running their own utility means sun and wind energy instead of coal.

Mitt Romney Clinches GOP Nomination With Texas Vote
“Texas had 152 delegates at stake Tuesday night, and Romney won his proportional share of them to formally clinch the race.”

How to Bargain Concessions (If You Must)
Can concessions save jobs? Almost always they cannot, and certainly not in the big picture. Concessions can’t fix a collapsed market or stop offshoring, nor the 1%’s relentless assault …

US Winds Down Longer Benefits for Unemployed
Hundreds of thousands of out-of-work Americans are receiving their final unemployment checks sooner than they expected, even though Congress renewed extended benefits until the end of the year.

Florida Right-Wingers Erect Barriers to Unemployment Claims
Thursday's reports that unemployment claims are edging downward take on a slightly different cast after reading a complaint filed with the Labor Department detailing how a new Florida law is hindering unemployed people …

A Mother’s Plea For Justice
There are fewif any losses one can experience in life worse than the loss of a child; this everyone can agree upon. On Jan 31, Velma Jean Humphrey, whose …

Can an Unequal Economy Self-Correct?
Lars Osberg, Instability Implications of Increasing Inequality: What can be learned from North America? Canadian Centre for Policy Alternatives. May 2012. Economist Lars Osberg has been writing about income distribution since …