
Americans for Peace Now: Don’t Co-sponsor AIPAC’s Bills for Iran War
As AIPAC pushes legislation that brings the US closer to war with Iran, Robert Naiman urges Americans to support peace.

Obama Wades Deeper Into Syria’s Morass
Despite the call for non violent action, President Obama will continue his military intervention in Syria, disenfranchising millions.

Why Do Senators Boxer and Wyden Want to Bomb Iran?
Lobbyists are swarming the US Senate seeking support for a bill that would make war with Iran more likely.

Omar Barghouti on How to End Apartheid in Palestine
Palestinian activist Omar Barghouti explains his peopleu2019s resistance, and the Boycott Divestment and Sanctions campaign.

Petitions of 23,000 to Lindsey Graham: No Foul to Use A-Word on Israel-Palestine
Despite smears, Chuck Hagel's confirmation as US secretary of defense looks likely.

Exactly Why Is President Obama Going to Israel?
Both Israel and the United States seek to quash expectations that the visit will jump-start the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.

Overcoming Separation: Laura Flanders Interviews the Oscar-Nominated Directors of “5 Broken Cameras”
The film is a highly personal encounter of the Palestinian and Israeli conflict.

Bulgarian Revelations Explode Hezbollah Bombing “Hypothesis“
European ministers are demanding hard evidence for a proposal intended to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist organisation.

If You Speak Out, You End Up Here: Hassan Karajeh at Ofer Prison
Forty percent of Palestine's male population is, or has been, imprisoned in Israeli jails.

Bulgarian Charge of Hezbollah Bombing Was an “Assumption”
A closer investigation finds Bulgaria's conclusions of Hezbollah's role in bombing of an Israeli bus are weak.