
There’s Now a Glimmer of Hope That 20 Years of War in Afghanistan Might End
Even if Biden withdraws the troops by 9/11, thousands of private contractors will remain to defend corporate profits.

9-Year-Old Ali Kinani Was Among Victims of Killers Pardoned by Trump
Trump has pardoned four former Blackwater contractors convicted for their role in the massacre of 17 unarmed civilians.

Biden’s Secretary of State Pick Showed Support of Iraq and Libya Invasions
Progressives have demanded that the president-elect assemble a cabinet committed to peace and diplomacy.

The US Chose Endless War Over Pandemic Preparedness. Now We See the Effects.
Spending trillions on the annual military budget has stolen money that could have been used for pandemic preparedness.

Assange Faces Extradition for Exposing US War Crimes
Trump's push to extradite WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is a blunt effort to criminalize journalism.

Life in the US Has the Hallmarks of a “Low-Grade War Zone”
Journalist Dahr Jamail says what's happening in the US is frighteningly similar to what he saw while reporting in Iraq.

It’s Trump vs. Bolton, and I’m Rooting for a Meteor
Sun Tzu said, “If you wait by the river long enough, the bodies of your enemies will float by.” I’m still waiting.

COVID-19 Is Exposing the Violence of US Foreign Policy as Virus Spreads
COVID-19 has begun to wreak its havoc in Iraq, Syria and Yemen – nations harmed by U.S. wars and economic sanctions.

US Policy Has Facilitated the Paramilitary Takeover of Iraq
Amid tensions between Washington and Tehran, it is important to examine the prominent role paramilitaries play in Iraq.

Global Protests Say “No War With Iran.” Can They Inspire a New Antiwar Movement?
Rebuilding a strong antiwar movement will require standing with progressive and revolutionary struggles abroad.