Mandela’s Greatness May Be Assured – But Not His Legacy
When I reported from South Africa in the 1960s, the Nazi admirer Johannes Vorster occupied the prime minister's residence in Cape Town. Thirty years later, as I waited at …
Where the Hell Is the Outrage?
Bizarrely, the only Americans who seem to be angry are the beneficiaries of economic injustice: the wealthiest.
CEO Salary Justification Season Is Open
Proxy season is over. Then comes the annual compilation of executive compensation data.
Getting Past Stars and Swipes Forever
If we want to rekindle that spirit of 1776, not just daydream about it, our course stands clear. We need to create a more equal America.
Political Crossover: The Troubling Emergence of “Black Reaganism“
As President Obama espouses about equality while ignoring the systems of inequality prevalent within society, a new brand of Reaganism emerges.
Supreme Court on Gay Marriage Next Week: Here’s What Could Happen
Rulings on these historic civil rights cases could come down as early as Monday morning.
ObamaCare’s Relentless Creation of Second-Class Citizens (Part II)
ObamaCare uses a complex and intricate Rube Goldberg-esque system of eligibility rules.
Motion Sickness: How the Supreme Court Erects Barriers to Justice
The court's changes to Federal Rules of Procedure lead to dismissal of cases before the facts are weighed.
Avoiding False Alternatives
To avoid making a judgment in politics simply gives someone else the power to judge for you, says Jensen in this piece about false alternatives.
Turkish Unions Strike, Joining Mass Protests
Labor unions in Turkey join with anti-government strikers to demand wage increases for the people.