
Internet For The Wealthy On The Way Unless We Stop It
The Obama administration's new FCC chairman is proposing rules that will create an Internet for the wealthy

What’s Really Driving Inequality?
The World Bank is driving the inequality that is a defining problem of our times through its “Doing Business” rankings and criteria.

Ivy League Study Says the General Public Has Virtually No Influence on Policy
Benjamin Page says that the analysis he conducted with Martin Giles of public opinion surveys and elite policy preferences of the last 20 years shows economic elites virtually determine …

Affirmative Action Ruling Will Further Racial Inequality
Bruce Dixon: The Supreme Court decision furthers institutional advantages of whites under the guise of colorblindness.

Where Do You Want to Be Born?
Rising inequality in the United States means the assumption by many American's that their country is the “best” is patently false.

From the War on Poverty to the War on the Poor
Few mainstream commentators argue that the War on Poverty did not go far enough, or that the economic devastation of inner cities and the industrial heartland have structural economic …

Gender Equity for Rural Haitian Women: An Interview With Kettly Alexandre of the Peasant Movement of Papay
Haitian activist Kettly Alexandre speaks to advances made over 40 years for women's rights, equity, and an end to violence.

Jim Crow in the Classroom: New Report Finds Segregation Lives on in US Schools
As the US Supreme Court upholds a ban on affirmative action in Michigan and the country marks 60 years since Brown v. Board of Education, Democracy Now! interviews ProPublica's …

Wolves of Wall Street: Financialization and American Inequality
It's no secret by now that the recent spike in American inequality is driven in large part by “financialization,” the growing scale of the financial sector relative to the …

Conservatives Are Scared Straight by a Frenchman
Raise the Capital Gains tax to 39 percent, where the earned income tax is. It's easy. Reagan actually did it - for one year.