
David Cay Johnston on the Perils of Our Growing Inequality
David Cay Johnston stresses that inequality is primarily a result of political and economic arrangements, including anti-trust policy and how much investment society and parents make in their children's …

Rich Getting Richer as the Poor Crawl Slowly Out of Poverty
After winning the inequality championship for so long, Latin America could become a trendsetter when it comes to equality. Other changes will show whether it is just a passing …

All Hail Piketty, But Props for Pickett, Too
Piketty's work demolishes the fairy-tales our top politicians tell about our economic system.

“Cesar Chavez,” Conditions in the Fields and the Struggle over Memory
The cottage industry of those who love to critique “Cesar Chavez,” the movie, does not represent those who had firsthand knowledge of the United Farm Workers.

Thomas Piketty: Capitalism in Its Current Form Undermines Democracy
The distribution of wealth is one of today's most widely discussed and controversial issues. But what do we really know about its evolution over the long term?

Lagging Urban Transport Works Hinder World Cup Sustainability
The 12 Brazilian cities where the matches will be played are in a race against time to complete the urban transport projects.

Hearing the *Ping* of Poverty – or Not
Steeped now as we are in a plutarchic imaginary, poverty is a ping that if you hear, you do not want to pursue.

Oligarchy: As American as Poisoned Apple Pie
The current struggle between democracy and oligarchy in the United States traces its roots back to the 1787 Philadelphia Convention.

Returning Equality to the Campaign Finance Debate
In the years since Citizens United, campaign finance reform efforts have either been small ball (e.g. more disclosure) or shoot for the moon.

Better than Redistributing Income
Distributing income more equally from the start would avoid the insecurity, social divisiveness and wasted resources of income redistribution.