Dean Baker | The Sharing Economy and the Mystery of the Mystery of Inequality
In a country where rules are enforced or not enforced to benefit the rich and screw the middle class, you will have increasing inequality and a middle class that …
New Report: US Government Top Funder of Low-Wage Jobs for Women
As President Obama prepares to speak to the needs of working women during the White House Summit on Working Families, a new report from public policy organization Demos highlights …
How Did “Don’t Mess with the Money” Become the NSA’s Motto?
In one corner of America, we need lots more snooping.
Why Koch-Funded “Generation Opportunity” Is a Big Zero for America’s Youth
Some of GenOpp's positions and statements may seem genuine, even logical, though a closer look reveals them to be desperately familiar to a more adult-like right wing playbook.
IMF Reviews International Financial Crises Solutions
Religious and development groups urge reforms to protect the poor.
The Many Pipelines That Pump Up Our Wealth
Apologists for our current economic order blame wage stagnation on technological change - or workers themselves.
A Failed Critique of Piketty
Inequality deniers will pick up on the bad critique from the Financial Times, and it will become part of what they “know” to be true.
David Cay Johnston on the Perils of Our Growing Inequality
David Cay Johnston stresses that inequality is primarily a result of political and economic arrangements, including anti-trust policy and how much investment society and parents make in their children's …
Rich Getting Richer as the Poor Crawl Slowly Out of Poverty
After winning the inequality championship for so long, Latin America could become a trendsetter when it comes to equality. Other changes will show whether it is just a passing …
All Hail Piketty, But Props for Pickett, Too
Piketty's work demolishes the fairy-tales our top politicians tell about our economic system.