Indigenous Peoples
Indigenous Organizing Drives Montana Tar Sands Opposition
As more people get involved and learn about the tar sands, they are getting even more deeply invested.
Insult to Injury? American Indian Sports Mascots
From FedEx Field to High School Football teams, pressure is increasing on teams to stop using American Indian names and mascots.
“Honor the Treaties” Honored the Celebrity
Discussion of the treaties was eerily absent in the media's appraisal of Neil Young's “Honor the Treaties” tour.
From Fire to Autonomy: Zapatistas, 20 Years of Walking Slowly
The Zapatistas, who rose up in arms against central authority in Mexico 20 years ago, are now 250,000-strong and remain independent.
Zapatista Communities Celebrate 20 Years of Self-Government
The Zapatistas are still running their own schools and hospitals, raising new generations, and carrying on a dialogue with the outside world that has enriched both sides.
WikiLeaks on the Trans-Pacific Partnership Environment Chapter: “Toothless Public Relations Exercise“
The TPP's environment chapter has no effective enforcement mechanisms, and its investment chapter allows foreign investors to sue governments over lost prospective profits in secret arbitration panels.
Record 4,000 Attend Open-Air Premiere of “Utopia” in Australia
Indigenous and non-indigenous people from across Australia attended the premiere of John Pilger's film “Utopia” Friday in Sydney.
Unleashing Automated Dogs of Wars and Executions
How many more innocent people will be needlessly butchered by these savage mechanized dogs of assassinations?
Canada’s Lubicon Lake Nation Continue Anti-Fracking Campaign, Appeal Court Injunction
Members of Lubicon Lake Nation are fighting a pro-fracking injunction granted in favor of Penn West Petroleum.
Idle No More and Defenders of the Land Condemn the Alberta Court Judgment Issued Against the Lubicon Lake Nation Land Protectors
Idle No More and Defenders of the Land networks condemn the court judgment granting an injunction to Penn West Petroleum Ltd (Penn West) to remove Lubicon Lake Nation Land …