Indigenous Peoples
In Brazil, a Struggle to Protect Indigenous Land From an Oil Society
The consequences of drilling new oil wells in deep water will impact Brazil's traditional communities.
Newly Recognized Indigenous Rights a Dead Letter?
Three years after the rights of El Salvador's indigenous people were recognised in the constitution, there are still no public policies.
Native Leaders Are Being Killed in the Amazon Because They Want the Right to Live
The likelihood of indigenous disenfranchisement can increase as a country becomes more prosperous.
Tribespeople Illegally Evicted From “Jungle Book” Tiger Reserve
Evicted tribespeople report that the Forest Department threatened to release elephants to trample their houses and crops if they did not leave immediately.
John Pilger Interview: White Australians Would Like Aboriginal People to Disappear
John Pilger speaks to Truthout about his new documentary about the brutal conquest and continued racist treatment of the aboriginal people in Australia.
Native Americans Confront History of Dispossession
Congress passed a measure that would give lands sacred to Native Americans in Arizona to a foreign company.
Interpreting Ancient Artifacts with Modern Perspectives
To interpret the past with the eyes, perceptions and knowledge of the present dismisses the genius, high levels of mastery of the material world and the invisible world that …
On International Human Rights Day, the Fight for Indigenous Land and Autonomy in Honduras
Honduras has the highest level of homicide of any nation not at war.
The Partitioning of Brazil’s Ocean and Rivers Threatens Small-Scale Fishing Families
A model for large-scale fish production in Brazil has resulted in the displacement of small-scale fishing families.
Native-American Youth Are in Crisis and Need Protection
Native-American children “face unprecedented challenges” of violence and extreme poverty.