
Protecting Undocumented Victims of Abuse: Does Hope Lie in Legislative History?
In the shutdown, protected rights of victims have been turned into legislative statues rather than live bodies of law.

Trump Writes Sad Ballads as the New House Majority Arrives
What a perfectly ridiculous way to ring in a new year.

Informal Networks of Generosity Are Supporting Asylum Seekers
For asylum seekers, informal giving supplements the insufficient aid available through more official channels.

Public Health Workers Must Join the Struggle for Immigrant Justice
Public health professionals can take concrete actions to meet the needs of immigrants and their families.

What Fresh Hell in 2019? Your Guess Is as Good as Mine.
We have the power to tilt this sad, strange world ever so slightly on its axis.

ICE Dumps Hundreds of Migrants at El Paso Bus Station Around Christmas
Dylan Corbett, executive director of Hope Border Institute, discusses more.

DHS Secretary Blames Parents and Open Borders Advocates for Deaths of Children
Human rights groups demanded an independent probe into the deaths of two children in US Border Patrol custody.

After Supreme Court Rejects Asylum Ban, 8-Year-Old Dies in Border Patrol Custody
For the second time this month, a Guatemalan child has died in the custody of US Customs and Border Protection.

Lawmakers Demand Answers in Death of 7-Year-Old Girl in Border Patrol Custody
Asylum seeker Jakelin Caal MaquĂn died two days after she and her father presented themselves at the border.

Cambodians Who Fled Genocide Now Face Raids and Deportation Under Trump
Cambodians are being deported from the US at record numbers.