
Honduran Labor Fight Reveals Exploitation Behind the Migrant Crisis
The real “migrant crisis” is the one created for migrants by a global system of economic exploitation.

ICE Uses Solitary Confinement to Punish Marginalized Asylum Seekers
Immigration officers use isolation cells to punish gay, transgender and disabled immigrants for their identities.

How Trump’s Immigration Policies Led to Child Deaths at Border
Before last year, it had been more than a decade since a child died in the custody of U.S. immigration officials.

Europeans Criminalized for Helping Migrants as Far Right Aims to Win Elections
Elderly women, priests and firefighters are among those arrested, charged or harassed by police for supporting migrants.

ICE Arrests at New York Courts Have Increased 1,700 Percent
The problem is so bad that the New York state government issued a policy designed to check the agency.

The US Is Making Immigrants Pay for Its Red Tape With Asylum Application Fees
The Trump administration is making people fleeing persecution pay for the basic human right to seek asylum.

Why the South Needs a Poor People’s Moral Action Congress
Poor people across the nation will bring their demands to Washington, D.C., next month.

US Border Patrol Is the Most Brutal Militia of All
The U.S. Border Patrol routinely behaves like a lawless militia.

New Trump Plan Deputizes Cops as ICE Agents, Even in Sanctuary Cities
As Trump spun outrageous “invasion” scenarios in Florida, ICE announces new plan to circumvent sanctuary cities.

The Government Isn’t Reuniting Migrant Children With Legal Guardians
More than 2,800 children were separated from parents last summer, and hundreds more have been reported since then.