Making a Life, but Not a Living in the Fields: Lucrecia Camacho’s Story
The work is hard, the wages are barely a living, but it is a life for many.
Streamlined Deportation: “No One Here in This Room Can Help You”
Operation Streamline turns trespassing across an international border into a criminal offense for the first time in US history.
Reluctant Migration: The Vicious Cycle of Debt, Deportation and Flawed Policy That Drives Central Americans Over the Border Again and Again
No two deportations are alike, but what every deportation shares is hardship.
Eleanor – The Radical Roosevelt Deserves Her Own Worthy Film
Eleanor Roosevelt was a bold progressive and, from the 1930s until her death, one of the most well-known and admired people in the United States and around the world.
Border Patrol’s New Strategy Highlights Agency’s Lack of Clear Direction
The public increasingly rejects anti-immigrant policies and harsh federal drug laws, but border security is still obsessed with drug enforcement and stemming immigration.
The Border Security Muddle Post 9/11
As the nation transitions away from its post-9/11 fears and wars, US border strategy needs to be overhauled and updated. A new strategy for border control should be closely …
In US Since Age 10, But No Dream Act for Young Activist Who Helps Others
In the US since she was 10, Dede has worked to address youth violence and access to resources for people returning home from prison, starting several nonprofits. She is …
From “Operation Wetback” to Newtown: Tracing the Hick Fascism of the NRA
People are thoroughly neutralized by the false sense of political empowerment that guns give them.
Migrants Go on Hunger Strike in Polish Detention Centers
The hunger strike is forcing the country to face its new responsibilities as a migration hub within the European Union.
Past US Example Could Stem Marijuana Arrests and Border Violence
States loosen marijuana laws but the federal government's continued prohibition means a boom in marijuana smuggling, drug-war violence and mass criminalization. Is it time to change direction?