California Housing Policy Is Making Wildfires Worse
Housing is the megafire-sized climate issue that lawmakers in California keep failing to adequately address.
People Who Live in Red States Die Younger. Conservative Policies Are to Blame.
A major new study has documented how differences in life expectancy correlate closely with many state policies.
Half of the US Population Lacks Adequate Protections Against Evictions
Most states no longer have eviction moratoriums. In Mississippi, the majority of renting households now risk eviction.
Housing Activists Unite to Fight Mass Evictions and Defund Police
Calling for rent cancellation, housing activists are preparing to face off with cops evicting Black and Brown renters.
Spiraling Eviction Crisis Threatens More Renters With Homelessness
The patchwork of legal protections for renters that emerged at the start of the pandemic is unlikely to stem the crisis.
Without Relief, Millions of Tenants Are Ready for a Rent Strike Revolution
Decades of growing inequality, coupled with a pandemic, have left millions of tenants no choice but to rent strike.
Tenants in Properties Linked to Jared Kushner Fear Lift of Eviction Ban
Residents of housing complexes owned by Trump's son-in-law struggled with aggressive evictions long before the pandemic.
Homelessness Could Rise 45 Percent in One Year Due to Unemployment Crisis
A new study estimates that about 250,000 people could be left homeless as a result of layoffs in the wake of COVID-19.
Ilhan Omar Bill Would Cancel Rent and Mortgage Payments for Duration of Pandemic
The Rent and Mortgage Cancellation Act would not just freeze rent payments but also forgive them entirely.
Portland’s Rental Crisis Created an Opening for Democratic Socialist Candidates
As rents soar in Oregon, democratic socialist candidates are gaining traction with progressive housing agendas.