
Biden Extends Eviction Moratorium for One Last Month as Crisis Looms
Advocates fear extending the moratorium for only one more month may just delay and not prevent an eviction crisis.

Trump-Appointed Judge Rules Against CDC’s Moratorium on Evictions Amid Pandemic
Keeping people in their homes by preventing evictions is a key step in helping to stop the spread, says CDC director.

Texas Blackout Reveals Deep Impact of Environmental Racism, Aid Organizers Say
Calls are growing for Texas to join national power grids — and for a broader reckoning on environmental justice.

Cities Are Razing Homeless Encampments Despite Record Cold Weather and COVID
Municipalities are flouting CDC advice and carrying out forcible evictions of the unhoused during a record-cold winter.

Texas Teen Was Forced to Use College Savings to Prevent Mom’s Eviction
Progressives say this common story exemplifies policy makers' failure to provide affordable housing and education.

Biden Has Extended Eviction Moratorium — Now It’s Time for More
The existing eviction moratorium failed to uniformly keep landlords from pushing low-income families out of their homes.

The COVID-19 Pandemic Shows the Dangers of For-Profit Housing
Rents may have decreased for some in major cities, but the massive eviction crisis shows the true nature of the market.

Housing Justice Advocates Call on CDC to Extend Federal Eviction Moratorium
The federal eviction moratorium is set to expire at year's end amid a surging pandemic and plunging temperatures.

As COVID Spikes, It’s Normal to Feel Helpless. Let’s Turn Fear to Activism.
This will be a long, hard winter. Let’s also make it a busy one.

Nearly 1,000 Homeless People Died in LA in 2020 as 93,000 Homes Sit Vacant
Vacant homes and mass homelessness show that the market is the problem, not the solution, to the housing crisis.