
Moms Reclaim Vacant Home Amid National Attacks on Homeless People
Four mothers are fighting to stay in a vacant house as the Trump administration threatens a crackdown in California.

San Francisco’s Unhoused People Speak Out Amid Housing Crisis
City governments have been enforcing increasingly punitive measures that criminalize homelessness.

Banks and the Real Estate Business Have Undermined Black Homeowners
Keeanga-Yamahtta Taylor’s new book, “Race for Profit,” examines the roots of this crisis.

Chicago Teachers Demand Affordable Housing as Strike Begins
The union is negotiating on issues that go beyond those typically addressed through collective bargaining.

Puerto Rico’s “Redevelopment” Plan Is Displacing Low-Income Residents
Activism stands in the way of the elimination of public housing on an island where many residents struggle to survive.

Airbnb Rentals Are Displacing Mexico City Residents as Rents Surge
Mexico City rents have skyrocketed, forcing long-term residents to relocate.

The Economy Looks Grim for Workers, But Might Not Bring Recession
Sectors of the economy that have led past recessions are no longer large enough to do so.

Trump’s Housing Department Is Making It Harder to Fight Discrimination
Trump's new housing policies echo his days as a racist landlord.

Will Banning Single-Family Zoning Make for More Affordable Homes?
Minneapolis changed its zoning rules in an attempt to undo decades of segregation.

Community Land Trusts Are a Model for Reparations
In a racialized economy, land trusts and cooperatives offer a lasting form of reparations, say activists.