Health Care
Meet the Southern Senators Critical to Blocking Obamacare’s Repeal
Tom Cotton, Shelley Moore Capito and Bill Cassidy are among the senators considered crucial to blocking efforts to repeal Obamacare.
The Republican Thieves Who Stole Health Care
Unfortunately the debate over the “repeal and replacement” of Obamacare is being confused with a debate over health care.
Not Just for the Poor: The Crucial Role of Medicaid in the US Health Care System
To understand how the ACHA's proposed changes to Medicaid would affect people and our health care system, let's look more closely at the program.
The Single-Payer Breakthrough in California: Robert Pollin on the Economics of Universal Care
Single-payer makes sound economic sense for California, says Robert Pollin, lead author of an independent analysis.
Keith Ellison: GOP Is Pushing “Tax Cut Wrapped in Veneer of a Health Care Bill” Under Extreme Secrecy
Rep. Keith Ellison discusses the Senate health care bill and what activists need to do to keep it from passing.
Misleading, Myth-Based Reporting Risks Giving Cover to Slash Vital Programs
Rebecca Vallas discusses The Washington Post's series on disability insurance.
In an Aging Nation, Single-Payer Is the Alternative to Dying Under Austerity
The process of aging and dying should not be exploited for profit.
Single-Payer Is Within Reach: What You Need to Know About the Bill for Improved Medicare for All
HR 676, a single-payer health care bill introduced in Congress, has more cosponsors than ever before.
This Is It: We Have the Next Three Weeks to Fight for the Affordable Care Act
Indivisible is mobilizing voters to call every Republican and Democratic senator nonstop, write letters and hold sit-ins.
Reported Medicaid Expansion “Compromise” Would Have Almost the Same Effect as House Bill
The deal some Senators appear ready to accept would reverse Medicaid gains over the long term.