Martin Luther King Jr.

As Billionaires Consolidate Power, We Need to Recommit to MLK’s Radical Vision
MLK was assassinated on the cusp of a strike wave in a time of counterrevolution. We need his “revolution in values.”

MLK’s Legacy Is One of Class Struggle. To Fight Trump, We Must Carry His Torch.
Project 2025 aims to recreate the state-sanctioned discrimination and inequality that our ancestors fought to end.

Martin Luther King Jr. Denounced Merchants of Death in a Prophetic Warning
Jurors in the Merchants of Death War Crimes Tribunal call on weapon makers to pay reparations for suffering they caused.

We Must Apply MLK’s Fierce Critique of Apartheid to Israel’s War on Palestine
MLK's struggle against apartheid and for global justice lives on in the movement for a free Palestine.

Our Burning, Broken, Beautiful World: Thoughts on Turning 43
Caring deeply in an uncaring world can be a lonely business. We must foster movements that provide us with fellowship.

MLK Was a Philosopher of Hope. He Reminds Us That Apathy Is a Dead End.
On MLK Day, the U.S. should painfully interrogate its monumental failure to address systemic injustice.

Americans Rally in Washington, Marking 60 Years Since March for Civil Rights
Crowds converge in Washington committing to sustained racial justice efforts.

60 Years After the March on Washington, 1 in 3 Black Children Live in Poverty
In the wake of a new report, Martin Luther King III says his dad’s dream is not realized and “our work is not over.”

New Biography Details How MLK’s Criticism of Malcolm X Was Fabricated
“King: A Life” also shows how President Johnson and others partnered in the FBI’s surveillance of Martin Luther King Jr.

The Civil Rights Movement Fought for Environmental Justice Long Before Earth Day
Black and Brown communities have always been on the front lines of the struggle against pollution.