Health Care
Michael Moore: US Pays More for Health Care, Doesn’t Call It a Tax
Moore criticizes debate moderators who ask whether presidential candidates will raise taxes to pay for Medicare for All.
In 2020, It’s Time to Make Universal Health Care a Human Right
It’s wrong for both the quality and the duration of our lives to be determined by our income.
In Medical Billing, Fraudulent Charges Weirdly Pass as Legal
If we want to tame the costs in our $3 trillion health system, we’ve got to rein in this behavior.
This Change to the ACA Could Affect Abortion Coverage for 3 Million People
The Trump administration’s proposed rule would impact coverage in at least 16 states and Washington, D.C.
Federal Appeals Court Strikes Down Portion of Affordable Care Act
Health coverage for hundreds of millions hangs in the balance.
Legislation on Surprise Medical Bills Gains Momentum in Congress
2020 is fast approaching, and polls consistently show that health care costs are a high-priority issue for voters.
From Health Insurance Spin Doctor to Truth Teller
What happens when a health insurance PR executive confronts the consequences of his spin?
Top Democratic Consultants Have Worked for Anti-Medicare for All Campaign
The array of consultants includes presidential candidate Joe Biden’s pollster.
It’s Our Choice: Medicare for All, or Endless War?
We could easily fund health care for all by ending military boondoggles and fruitless wars.
$11 Million Medicare Tool Gives Seniors Wrong Insurance Information
Consumer advocates have identified cases of malfunction for a cost-finding tool redesigned by the Trump administration.