
Talk Climate to Me
Florida Governor Rick Scott's henchmen punish staffers who utter the words “climate change.”

I Wish I Was in Dixie? Culture, Planning and the Future of the Southern “Boom“
Polycentric cities will continue to grow, and they will continue to attract new residents-for now.

Talking About Climate Change Banned in Florida?
The Florida agency most responsible for fighting climate change is banned from talking about it.

Separating Church and State Still an Issue in the US
Several US towns raise important concerns about the free exercise of religion and the separation of church and state.

Why Did Fort Lauderdale Police Arrest an Old Man for Feeding Homeless People?
The rationale for Fort Lauderdale's anti-homeless ordinance has everything to do with land and money.

Uneven Records on Health Care for Florida’s Candidates
A close Florida governor race could be pivotal for the women in that state.

The Real Rick Scott Debate Scandal
In large part because of decisions made during the Reagan and Clinton administrations, our media is now an info-tainment mess.

Sunshine State Uses Fees to Prevent Sun from Shining on Judicial Records
Florida court system says access to public records will cost $132,000.

Obamacare Haters Still Hurting Public
Florida voters must make clear to the governor and the Legislature that expanding Medicaid is not only a moral choice, but an economic one for patients and hospitals.

Kochs, ALEC Threaten Campus Democracy at Florida State, US Universities
A battle has been raging at Florida State University to stop what student and faculty say is “[a] hostile political takeover of the presidential search process.”