
More Black Victims Claimed by Florida’s Violent Landscape
What role did cultural and geographical practices in creating institutional whiteness and a fear of Blackness play in the killing?

The Battle to Keep Florida Frack-Free Heats Up
The battle to keep Florida frack-free is intensifying ahead of the 2016 state legislative session.

How Jeb Bush’s Florida Plan for School “Choice” Created an Industry of Corruption and Chaos
The obsession over money driving charter school growth in Florida is increasingly evident to those who bother to look.

State Gerrymandering Reforms Start to Show Results
A big win last week for reformers in Florida shows that citizen led efforts are starting to yield promising results.

Lake Apopka: Ecocide, Rural Oligarchy and Slavery
Farm workers still do the most dangerous work in America. They deserve land rather than slavery.

Florida Policies Needlessly Derail Young Lives, Fill Prison Cells
It's justice by geography.

The Submerged State

Talk Climate to Me
Florida Governor Rick Scott's henchmen punish staffers who utter the words “climate change.”

I Wish I Was in Dixie? Culture, Planning and the Future of the Southern “Boom“
Polycentric cities will continue to grow, and they will continue to attract new residents-for now.

Talking About Climate Change Banned in Florida?
The Florida agency most responsible for fighting climate change is banned from talking about it.