Donald Trump

Republicans Are Racing to Make Workplaces More Dangerous and Unhealthy
Among the targets are rules that protect the manufacturing and construction workers the Trump administration claims to support.

In the US, Amnesty Has a History of Preserving Whiteness
The political viability of any carte blanche amnesty program hinges on the racialization of its beneficiaries as white.

Zionists and Anti-Semites Unite?
The Trump administration is filled with openly anti-Semitic figures, but unholy alliances between Zionists and bigots in the West are nothing new, explains Sarah Levy.

How Slashing the NEA Would Damage the US Economy
Losing the NEA would upset local economies and affect the wallets of people not directly involved in the creative arts.

Gorsuch Confirmation Process Too Important to Rush
The Senate and the public lack key information about Judge Gorsuch needed to give his nomination thorough consideration.

Should We Pay the Rich to Build Infrastructure, Then Pay Them to Use It?
Trump's promised $1 trillion plan to rebuild the nation's infrastructure will be as bad for us as his health care plan.

Trump’s Claims Are All Wet

Rights Groups Say Travel Restrictions Cast Shadow on UN Women’s Meeting
Although the executive order has not been re-enacted, women's rights groups perceive that organizing internationally is becoming more difficult.

Trump’s Immigration Budget Is Based on Xenophobia, Not Facts
Research shows that increases in immigration correspond to significant drops in violent crime.

In Trump’s “Skinny Budget,” Climate Change and Jobs Take Backseat to War and Walls
The preliminary document calls for massive spending reductions in such departments as the EPA while increasing the defense budget.