Donald Trump

We Need to Pull the Plug on Trumpcare
The grassroots resistance to the GOP's nightmare health care bill — and argue against the Democrats' focus on future elections.

“Abortion Sanctuary” Suit Highlights Impending Legalized Discrimination Disaster
The St. Louis anti-discrimination bill serves as a prime example of how the city has protected itself in the post-Trump era.

Goodbye Pacific Pivot, Hello Pacific Retreat: Who Will Take the US’s Place in Asia?
Although Washington still commands considerable power in the region, it could stand back, Trump-like, and just watch everything unravel.

The Biggest Story Ever … for a Day
In these perilous times, flavor-of-the-month journalism will never save us.

Why Even the Private Health Insurance Industry Hates the House Health Bill
Leaders of the private health industry want you to look elsewhere while they help write the Senate version of Trumpcare.

Paris Accord Doesn’t Go Far Enough — but Trump’s Pullout Will Endanger Life on Earth
Trump's move displays a callous disregard for the future of life on Earth.

The Time Is Now to Push for Real Populist Tax Reform
If Trump wants to eliminate the “death tax” — let's push for an expanded inheritance tax instead.

How Is Trump Picking a New FBI Director Even a Thing?
It would be a travesty for Trump to nominate, and for the Senate to confirm, a new FBI director until the issue of Trump's conduct is resolved.

Teaching the Roots of Trumpism, One Semester In
Students and educators must resist Trumpism or risk ceding ground to anti-intellectualism, troll culture and xenophobia.

The Korean Peninsula: Ground Zero for Armageddon?
In a time of alarmingly heightened regional tensions, Koreans and Korean-Americans urge a return to diplomacy with North Korea.