Donald Trump

Historically Black Colleges and Universities, “Bags of Money and the Promise of Opportunity“
Trump was not reaching out to HBCUs because he had suddenly discovered his tolerance gene.

Fossil Fuel Companies Spend Big to Boost GOP in Heated Special Elections for Congress
With Trump and his cabinet already in their pockets, energy companies are seeking more friends in Georgia and Montana.

How Trump’s Skewed View of Rural America and Agriculture Threatens the Welfare of Farmworkers
Trump wrote an executive order on the rural US as if farmworkers don't exist.

The United States’ History of Cruelty and Contradictory Attitudes to Immigrants
In 200 years of shifting policy toward immigrants, Republicans and Democrats have contributed to the war on the undocumented.

Anti-LGBTQ Hate Groups Have Clamored for Trump’s “Religious Freedom” Order
Anti-LGBTQ hate groups have so far been successful in furthering their desired policies under Trump.

The GOP Declares War on Sick People: The Moral Depravity of Trumpcare’s Passage
It appears the GOP House Caucus has a "pre-existing condition": It lacks a soul.

The ACA Repeal: Our Lives Are at Stake, So What Now?
This is a time for heroic communities to prove we have the power to save one another.

The Tax Code Perpetuates Inequality: 1 Percent of Taxpayers Receive More Than the Bottom 80 Percent
Janine Jackson interviewed Jeremie Greer about the tax code and inequality for the April 21, 2017, episode of CounterSpin.

Resisting the New “Normal”: Holding Our Ground on the Path to Justice
We must all decide — and really believe — that together we can make a better world.
