Donald Trump
Dahr Jamail | As Trump’s Denialists Get to Work, the Climate Is Changing 170 Times Faster
Denial won't help us when the consequences of climate change hit — not gradually but with the force of a meteor strike.
A Climate of Hate: How Border Militarization Is Getting Deadlier
Border communities have already witnessed growing technologies and weaponry, border agents and buildup over the last 20 years.
Bill McKibben: Trump May Have Approved Keystone XL, but People Will Stop This Pipeline Again
The Trump administration has approved a permit allowing TransCanada to build the Keystone XL pipeline.
The DLC Lives: “Third Way” Democrats Are Trying to Push the Party Rightward
The DLC never went away: Through well-funded think tanks like Third Way, it continues to push Democrats to the right.
Are We Standing on the Precipice of a Dystopian World?
Splinterlands is a message to the world that it's not too late to get out of the hot water we're in, says the novelist.
Trump’s EPA Cuts: No One Will Protect Us
“Donald Trump's deep cuts to the Environmental Protection Agency terrify me.”
Doctors: Climate Change Is Already Making US Kids Sicker
Children are among the most vulnerable to the health impacts of climate change.
Right-Wing Billionaires Are Funding a Cynical Plot to Destroy Dissent and Protest in Colleges Across the US
A multimillion-dollar campaign to stifle protest in universities.
Congress Is Missing in Action as Trump Escalates War in Syria Amid Russia Probe
Democrats have also neglected to aggressively pursue investigations into Trump's ethics violations.
How We’re Setting Our Contract Bargaining Tables to Advance Racial Justice
Workers of color go through countless individual experiences of discrimination and it's only gotten worse since Trump's election.