Donald Trump
Comey Hearing Confirms Counter-Intel Investigation Into Trump Campaign; No Evidence of Trump’s Wiretap Claim
FBI Director James Comey provided few other details about the inquiry.
Gorsuch Would Use “Originalism” to Affirm Right-Wing Agenda
If confirmed, Gorsuch would use a discredited legal doctrine to further dangerous right-wing political priorities.
Repeal and Replace: The True Cost of Repealing Obamacare
“Call it Obamacare, Trumpcare, just keep our health insurance.”
William Rivers Pitt | When It Comes to Trump, We Should Be Too Petrified to Laugh
There's a joke in here somewhere, but I'll be damned if I can find it.
As Trump Slashes EPA, Worry Over the Fate of an Agency Doing Similar Work
The work of the National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences is at risk.
It’s Time to Dismantle Trump’s Murder Budget and Defund Militarism
Trump's budget prioritizes murder over survival. In order to effectively confront it, we must challenge US militarism itself.
Amid Spike in Civilian Deaths From US Strikes, Trump Requests Lifting Policy Limiting Casualties
Civilian casualties in US airstrikes have been escalating since Donald Trump took office two months ago.
Republicans Are Racing to Make Workplaces More Dangerous and Unhealthy
Among the targets are rules that protect the manufacturing and construction workers the Trump administration claims to support.
In the US, Amnesty Has a History of Preserving Whiteness
The political viability of any carte blanche amnesty program hinges on the racialization of its beneficiaries as white.
Zionists and Anti-Semites Unite?
The Trump administration is filled with openly anti-Semitic figures, but unholy alliances between Zionists and bigots in the West are nothing new, explains Sarah Levy.