Donald Trump

Donald Trump’s Dark and Scary Night
The GOP presidential nominee's acceptance speech was a litany of fear and resentment, a dog whistle to disaffected white Americans.

The Surprising Popularity of Military Coups
Since when had the “military option” become a viable political strategy in the United States?

From Occupy Protests to the Platforms
A lawyer-activist reflects on the significance of the Occupy Wall Street call for the reinstatement of Glass-Steagall.

William Rivers Pitt | “I Alone”: Trump’s Megalomania on Cold Display
Donald Trump's bigotry-driven, ego-driven campaign might win in November. A lit cigarette is healthier.

Facing Down Trump’s Demagoguery: Lessons From Weimar Germany
Only a universalized resistance across a united progressive front will be able to stand up to right-wing populism.

“Build Bridges, Not Walls”: Medea Benjamin on How She Disrupted Donald Trump’s Speech
Benjamin was removed after the disruption and says she was later interviewed by the Secret Service.

How Can This Be Happening in the US? International Journalists Reflect on Rise of Donald Trump
Members of the international press covering the Republican National Convention to talk about how other countries view Donald Trump.

The Cycle of Trump

RNC Protesters “Wall Off Trump” and Confront Police Violence
Protesters erected a “wall” with banners outside the RNC, and kept systemic police violence in the spotlight even as a sea of police flooded the streets around them.

What’s on Display in Cleveland? The Republican Id
The triumph of Trump has demonstrated the cost of the devil's bargain.