Donald Trump

Trump Writes Sad Ballads as the New House Majority Arrives
What a perfectly ridiculous way to ring in a new year.

This Is Not a Dress Rehearsal: Climate Can No Longer Wait
It’s time to hold all elected officials accountable on climate change.

The Left Is on a Roll, and Trump Is Beatable in 2020
The left is strong and Trump is impeachable and beatable. Should we dare to hope for a big change in 2020?

Federal Employees’ Union Sues Trump Administration Over Work Without Pay
The American Federation of Government Employees says it is illegal for federal workers to work without pay.

US Border Patrol Unleashes Tear Gas Against Children in Mexico
The Trump administration is defying international law by deliberately turning asylum seekers away from ports of entry.

Public Health Workers Must Join the Struggle for Immigrant Justice
Public health professionals can take concrete actions to meet the needs of immigrants and their families.

What Fresh Hell in 2019? Your Guess Is as Good as Mine.
We have the power to tilt this sad, strange world ever so slightly on its axis.

Arundhati Roy on Fiction in the Face of Rising Fascism
“People don't forget their poets, however much violence is done.”

Trump Signs Executive Order Freezing Pay of Nearly 2 Million Federal Workers
Public employees and government contractors are increasingly worried about being able to make rent and pay their bills.

Bring the Troops Home — But Stop the Bombing, Too
In this “war on terror,” the US and its allies have dropped 291,880 bombs and missiles on other countries.