Donald Trump

If You Don’t Get Your Tax Refund, Thank the Trump Shutdown
The absence of 2018 tax refunds will be a gut punch to the national economy.

Trump Golf Club Allegedly Gave Out Fake Green Cards and Social Security Numbers
Where is the outrage over Trump's hypocrisy?

Will Trump Consign Humans to the Fate of the Dinosaurs?
As humanity has armed itself ever more lethally, it has transformed itself into the equivalent of so many asteroids.

Trump Administration Gifts the World Shutdown, Drilling and Coal
The government shutdown, and several other actions by the administration, could have long-lasting environmental effects.

Trump’s Racist Language of Pollution Drives His Neoliberal Fascism
The politics of disposability now exists at the highest levels of the US government.

Five Things the Shutdown Shows Us About 2019
It's the people who end up paying for Trump's “populist” stunts.

Democrats Push to End Shutdown Without Funding for Wall
House Democrats passed a package of bills that would reopen the federal government without meeting Trump’s demand.

House Democrats Release Sweeping Legislation to Drain the Swamp
The bill would promote public financing of elections, reduce the influence of dark money and strengthen voting rights.

You Wanted a Wall, Mr. President?
Maybe you'll get four of them.

The EPA Has Backed Off Enforcement Under Trump. Here Are the Numbers.
The steep declines in enforcement nearly across the board show that Trump’s EPA is on a dangerous path.