
Koch-Backed Donor Network Wants to Blame COVID Deaths on Public Health Measures
A billionaire-backed fund is promoting a deregulation agenda critical of prevailing public health recommendations.

Biden Could Chart a New Path for US on Palestinian Rights. Will He?
We need more than a rollback of Trump policies, or else the apartheid system that oppresses Palestinians will remain.

Biden’s Jobs Plan Expands Access to Care Outside For-Profit Nursing Homes
New research reveals nursing homes owned by private equity investors have higher death rates.

House Committee Finds Sketchy COVID-Related Contracts Were Awarded Under Trump
Politically connected or otherwise untested companies were given hundreds of millions of dollars in federal contracts.

COVID Is Surging in Brazil — and So Is Bolsonaro’s Quest to Consolidate Power
The heads of Brazil’s Army, Navy and Air Force all quit after President Jair Bolsonaro ousted his defense minister.

Marjorie Taylor Greene’s Latest Bill Seeks to Remove Fauci From His Post
Greene wants Fauci out, and for the Senate to approve his replacement — but the role is not subject to Senate approval.

Without a Wealth Tax, COVID’s Legacy Will Be Acceleration of Inequality
The world's 2,365 billionaires have seen their collective fortunes grow by $4 trillion during the pandemic.

Rich Countries Are Using Vaccines as a Power Play — and Everyone Could Suffer
The U.S., U.K., EU and Israel are hoarding vaccines. To beat COVID, we need true global cooperation instead.

Biden Needs to Treat the Climate as an Emergency — Starting Now
We have proven to ourselves once again that solutions are there to be seized.

EU, WHO and Dozens of World Leaders Endorse Plan for Future Pandemic Treaty
“No single government or multilateral agency can address this threat alone,” a joint letter from world leaders states.