
Omicron Supply-Chain Disruptions Are Hitting Low-Income Communities the Hardest
When the supply of essential goods gets scarce, poorer countries and individuals get frozen out of the market.

Students Are Walking Out of School Rather Than Returning to an Unsafe “Normal”
The upsurge of student protests across the U.S. is a reaction to a nationwide “return to normal,” no matter the cost.

Parents Sue Virginia Governor Over Executive Order Banning Local Mask Mandates
The lawsuit purports that Youngkin “lacks the authority” to issue such an order under the state constitution.

Trump Revealed His New Electoral Strategy in Arizona, and It Is Horrifying
Trump is escalating his racist lies in an attempt to regain the right-wingers who hate his newfound vaccine advocacy.

WHO Chief Says Pandemic Is “Nowhere Near Over,” Warning About Vaccine Inequity
Just 9.6 percent of people in low-income countries have received at least one vaccine dose to date.

Nursing Unions Say For-Profit Health Care Is Driving Omicron Staffing Crisis
Nurses argue for-profit health care artificially deflates staffing levels to protect hospital employers' bottom lines.

Fake COVID-19 Testing Sites Are Scamming Vulnerable Communities Across the US
Fraudulent pop-up testing sites are spreading — and BIPOC and low-income neighborhoods may be most at risk.

Hospitals Struggle With Sheer Volume of COVID Cases Amid Staff Shortages
COVID infections are exacerbating some medical conditions and making it harder to reduce its spread within hospitals.

The Time Is Now for the “Radical Revolution of Values” That MLK Called For
Only mass action -- combined with the slow work of grassroots power-building -- can break through our current crises.

How Did We Go From Stimulus Checks to “Go to Work With COVID”?
Gone are the days when Democrats pushed for policies that would help people stay home during the pandemic.