
Kushner Tapes Reveal He Bragged Over Trump Taking Back Charge From “the Doctors”
Nearly 200,000 more Americans have died since Kushner told Woodward the “pain” phase of the pandemic was over.

More Than 8 Million Have Been Forced Into Poverty Since COVID Relief Ended in US
The CARES Act helped keep millions afloat, but no further relief will even be discussed until after the election.

Barrett and GOP Threaten Health Care for Millions, Democrats Say
Democrats are slamming vulnerable Republicans on health care in a bid to flip the Senate.

White House Press Release Wrongly Claims Trump Has Defeated COVID
As of Sunday, the seven-day average for daily new coronavirus cases being reported was at its highest this year.

After Installing Barrett, McConnell Adjourns Senate for Recess Sans COVID Relief
The failure to approve additional pandemic relief prior to next week's election could delay an aid package for months.

Mutual Aid Is Essential to Our Survival Regardless of Who Is in the White House
Mutual aid is inherently anti-authoritarian, demonstrating how we can organize human activity without coercion.

Amid Staff COVID Outbreak, Democrats Call on Pence to Stop Presiding Over Senate
This comes as Senate Republicans are scheduled to ram through the final confirmation vote for Amy Coney Barrett.

Get Ready for the Eight Longest Days of Our Lives
The state of play is far weirder and more perilous now than it ever was in 2016.

Trump Calls the Media “Losers” for Reporting on Record-High Daily COVID Cases
More than 83,000 Americans were diagnosed on Friday with coronavirus, the highest daily number since the pandemic began.

Pence Was Exposed to COVID From Top Aide. He Plans to Keep Campaigning Anyway.
CDC guidelines call for a 14-day quarantine after exposure, but the vice president has chosen to endanger lives instead.