Better Way To Keep Track of Taxpayer Dollars
The concept is simple: fund what works, dump what doesn't.
McConnell Supports Deficit Spending on Big Corporate Tax Breaks While Opposing Emergency Spending for Unemployment Benefits Unless Paid For
The package of tax breaks that McConnell supports expire every year or two and are routinely renewed with little debate by Congress despite their huge costs.
With AIPAC’s Power in Doubt, Is Peace With Israel Now Possible?
If AIPAC can lose on Syria and lose on Iran, could it also lose on Israel-Palestine?
Democrats Introduce Bill to Restore FCC’s Net-Neutrality Rules
Democrats in Congress have introduced legislation that would restore net-neutrality rules struck down last month by a federal appeals court.
William Rivers Pitt | The Sugar Makes the Poison Taste Sweet
William Rivers Pitt on Obama's SOTU: “I saw a man talking very eloquently out of both sides of his mouth, again, and it made me sick in my soul.”
Senators Should Read Before Signing the Menendez-Kirk Iran Sanctions Bill
The Menendez-Kirk Iran sanctions bill would move America closer to going to war with Iran or accepting an Iranian nuclear weapon. Have senators actually read it?
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Americans Are Better Off Living in a Blue State, and More
By almost every measure, Americans are better off living in a Blue state, and more.
Obama’s NSA Speech Makes Orwellian Surveillance Patriotic
Michael Ratner: President Obama's assertion that our nation was formed as a result of a heroic history of surveillance is a misleading scare tactic.
Putting Peace in Double Jeopardy
US-Iran and Israel-Palestinian peace efforts are jeopardized by AIPAC-inspired senators or by Israel itself.
Lawmakers Are Free Not to Become Narcissistic Jerks
Some millionaires in Congress rise above their financial handicap.