
“Shell No”: From Sea to Land, Seattle Residents Fight Oil Giant’s Plans for Arctic Drilling
A major campaign is underway in Seattle.

Dahr Jamail | Experts Warn of “Cataclysmic” Changes as Planetary Temperatures Rise
We are at the very beginning of a period of “abrupt” climate disruption.

We’re All in This Together – Let’s Start Acting Like It
Vaccines have sparked a conversation about the need to collectively protect each other - a conversation we need to apply to environmental challenges.

IPCC: More Than All of Observed Warming Has Been Caused by Humanity’s Emissions
The climate change movement has devastated public discussion by allowing the idea that some warming must be natural.

A Letter of Apology to My Grandson: A Pox on the US in the 21st Century
“I hope you'll read this letter and smile indulgently at my worst fears.”

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Nestle Has Been Pumping Water Out of California Without a Permit for 25 Years, and More
In today's On the News segment: NestlĂ©Â has been pumping water out of California without a permit for the last 25 years; an increase in illness is another effect of …

There All Along: “Exceptional” Slowdown of the Gulf Stream From Greenland Melt
Greenland melt has influenced the Gulf Stream for more than a century.

Melting Accelerates in Antarctica: So Far, 2015 Is Hottest Year Yet
This April could well mark the beginning of the end of the polar ice caps.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: Beans May Help to Curb Harms of Climate Change, and More
Thirty new lines of “heat-beater” beans have been discovered.

After Warmest Winter, Drought-Stricken California Limits Water but Exempts Thirstiest Big Growers
Gov. Jerry Brown orders water use cuts.