Climate Crisis

November 5 Vote in Washington Tests Future of GMOs, Capitalism and Climate Change
News and funding is coming in on both sides of the long-heated debate around an initiative to require labeling of genetically modified foods and agricultural products.

Climate Deniers’ Strategy of Confusion
The fossil-fuel industry has invested billions of dollars in propaganda - funding phony ‘scientists’ and bankrolling politicians - to confuse the public about the threat from global warming.

Hurricane Sandy One Year Later: Lessons Learned and Unlearned
One year ago today, Hurricane Sandy hit New York City - and most of the Eastern Seaboard - like a freight train.

Why the Climate Movement Should Have No “Keystone“
We must call for what we really need - an end to all new fossil fuel infrastructure and extraction.

Climate Change: First They Came For…
First they came for the Arctic sea ice, and I did not speak out—even though its volume is two thirds what it was thirty years ago.

When Poverty Quietly Morphs into Catastrophe
In the face of severe food shortages and with no relief aid, the elderly like Zeinab Wambui, from lower Mukurweini, Central Kenya, are facing very tough times.

Why the Corporate Media’s Climate Change Censorship Is Only Half the Story
Of course the media needs to start talking honestly about climate change. But there's more to the issue than just gloom and doom.

Amid Government Shutdown, “New Economy” Events Draw Sustainability Advocates
The New Economy Coalition hosted events focused on building sustainable solutions to inequality and climate change.

Fossil Fuel Euphoria: Hallelujah, Oil and Gas Forever!
Recent claims that fossil fuels have been discovered in abundance means bad news for the planet at we abandon research on alternative energy methods.

Jane Goodall on Climate Change, Technology, and What Makes Us Different From Chimps
The primatologist and activist discusses how to move forward on climate change.