Climate Crisis

Jerry Brown Wants to Be a Climate Leader – and to Frack for a Lot of Oil
California Governor Jerry Brown's legacy as a climate leader stands or falls on what he does next on fracking in the Golden State.

Capitalism and the Destruction of Life on Earth: Six Theses on Saving the Humans
Why are we, as a species, marching toward disaster? The problem is that large corporations are destroying life on Earth.

Climate Leaders Gather Outside White House to Demand President Stop Construction of Keystone XL’s Southern Leg
7,000+ petition signatures from all 50 states being delivered to White House during peaceful action in support of Texas landowners.

“We Have to Be the Carbon Tax” — an Interview With Tim DeChristopher
Tim DeChristopher talks about moving forward after a recent loss and the larger struggle against fossil fuels.

The Future Must Be Green, Red, Black and Female
The human species must acknowledge that any future that allows us to retain our humanity will jettison capitalism, patriarchy and white supremacy - and be based on an ecological …

America’s Tar Baby
The idea of using nuclear power in the tar sands has taken flight once again in our own era, though this time disguised as a Green Energy solution.

November 5 Vote in Washington Tests Future of GMOs, Capitalism and Climate Change
News and funding is coming in on both sides of the long-heated debate around an initiative to require labeling of genetically modified foods and agricultural products.

Climate Deniers’ Strategy of Confusion
The fossil-fuel industry has invested billions of dollars in propaganda - funding phony ‘scientists’ and bankrolling politicians - to confuse the public about the threat from global warming.

Hurricane Sandy One Year Later: Lessons Learned and Unlearned
One year ago today, Hurricane Sandy hit New York City - and most of the Eastern Seaboard - like a freight train.

Why the Climate Movement Should Have No “Keystone“
We must call for what we really need - an end to all new fossil fuel infrastructure and extraction.