Climate Crisis
Undercover COP
Another year comes and goes and the media again ignores the inaction of the UN Climate Change Conference, this year beset by protests in Warsaw.
Climate Change 2013: Where We Are Now – Not What You Think
To prevent increasingly dangerous climate change, says Bruce Melton, the public and our leaders must be convinced to act decisively and robustly because, as his review of the latest …
Today’s Forecast Is for Climate-Proof Farming
Even as weather extremes bedevil Caribbean farmers, Ramgopaul Roop has turned his three-acre fruit farm into a showcase for how to beat climate change.
Let the Sun Shine in
Why would the ALEC network of state-level lobbyists want to make solar energy cost-prohibitive for homeowners and businesses?
What, If Anything, Will the US Learn From Fukushima?
Proponents push nuclear power as “clean” energy, but the Fukushima meltdown shows why nuclear energy should be examined more closely.
Will the Real Invasive Species Please Stand Upright?
Dropping cargo meant to kill invasive species will only lead to more environmental predicaments.
Climate Change Clears the Way for the Extraction of Arctic Resources
Canada and Russia are investing in military infrastructure in order to protect economic interests in Arctic energy resources.
Are We Falling Off the Climate Precipice? Scientists Consider Extinction
Dahr Jamail explores what climate scientists just beyond the mainstream are thinking about how climate change will affect life on this planet.
The Transformation of America’s Energy Economy
By voting to break away from a corporate utility and form its own municipal power company, Boulder, Colorado is leading a national shift towards local control and renewable energy.
The Education of Bill McKibben: How the Unlikely Activist Learned to Break the Rules
McKibben's latest book, “Oil and Honey,” chronicles his journey into ever-riskier and more confrontational activism.