Climate Crisis
Edelman Makes a Climate Change Pledge, but Forgets About ALEC
If the PR firm is serious about not working for groups that deny climate change, then it should also not work for groups like ALEC, which is working hard …
The Right’s New Strategy on Climate: Criticizing Billionaires’ Spending
A few billionaires and environmental foundations are conspiring to spread propaganda against the use of fossil fuels.
Fracking Success Shut Down US Climate Change Policy
Christopher Williams tells Paul Jay that the fabulous profits made from fracking oil and gas took climate change off Obama agenda, and while coal emissions may be down in …
Moving From a Culture of Death to a Culture of Life: Mobilizing for the People’s Climate March
As we prepare for the People's Climate March, we must remember that technology change alone will not avert global disaster. We must prioritize preserving the integrity of human beings …
Dahr Jamail | NASA Scientist Warns of Three to Four-Meter Sea Level Rise by 2200
Former NASA glaciologist Robert Bindschadler discusses his concerns about Antarctic glaciers, why scientists often stay out of the political debate over climate change, and why he decided to get …
New Climate Bill Would “Shrink Government,” Award Taxpayers
PERI's James Boyce discusses how Rep. Chris Van Hollen's climate bill would limit carbon pollution by auctioning off permits to fossil fuel vendors and result in a net gain …
Dahr Jamail | Open Source Farming: A Renaissance Man Tackles the Food Crisis
The news about our global food supply is not good.
Climate Change and Waiting for Bruce Willis
Christopher Williams says capitalism is not capable of facing up to the climate change crisis - and because there won't be a hero that appears to save the day, …
Climate Change Law in New York Bridges Partisan Divide
Republicans and Democrats, environmentalists and the business community, get behind the groundbreaking bill.
Lakota Women Work to Fend Off South Dakota’s Epic Drought
Long years of drought in South Dakota have made it difficult for the soil to absorb water. A group led by indigenous women hopes to change that through an …