Climate Crisis

Latin America at a Climate Crossroads
World leaders gathered at the Climate Change Summit during the United Nations General Assembly September 23 will have a crucial opportunity to mobilize political will and advance solutions to …

A Simpler Solution to Climate Change
Naomi Klein wants everyone to join forces and just pull the plug on oil, gas, and coal.

Is Modern Technology Killing Us?
An exploration of the social, cultural and environmental pitfalls of modern technology culminates in a proposed neo-Luddite framework for evaluating the risks and benefits of existing and emerging technologies.

Climate Change You Can Believe In
Climate change deniers persist in telling us it just ain't so, like the tobacco industry claiming for decade after decade that nicotine wasn't addictive or that cigarettes couldn't kill …

Capitalism vs. the Climate: Naomi Klein on Need for New Economic Model to Address Ecological Crisis
As the United Nations prepares to hold one-day global summit on climate change, award-winning author Naomi Klein speaks about her new book, “This Changes Everything: Capitalism vs. the Climate.”

Historic Climate Change Protests Only Days Away
Activists Margaret Flowers and Kevin Zeese discuss the major climate change events taking place this weekend in New york City.

Beyond Divestment: Climate-Concerned Philanthropists Pledge to Move Billions to Wind and Solar
As the UN Climate Summit in New York City approaches, efforts to address climate change through money-moving campaigns are growing.

As Activists Gear Up for People’s Climate March, Rep. Jim McDermott Pushes Carbon Tax
We talk to Rep. Jim McDermott about his bill, the Managed Carbon Price Act, that aims to reduce air pollution in the US by establishing a federal price on …

The Wheel Turns, the Boat Rocks, the Sea Rises: Change in a Time of Climate Change
To make personal changes is to do too little. Only great movements, only collective action can save us from climate change now.

Sea Change: The Ecological Disaster That Nobody Sees
A Global Ocean Commission report says that we must act now to save the earth's wildest and most productive ecosystem.