Climate Crisis
Incredible Edible Everything: The Garden Party for Everyone
A man watering his grass discovers some odd behavior in his neighbor's garden.
Senator Whitehouse Exposes ALEC Climate Change Denial
The corporate bill mill that has been pushing a destructive agenda of climate change denial.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Last Year Was the Hottest Year Ever, and More
There's a good chance that this year will be even hotter.
As UN Backs Fossil Fuel Divestment, Bill McKibben on Vanuatu, Oxford Vote, California Water Crisis
McKibben links the storm to global warming.
Vanuatu Blames Global Warming as Cyclone Causes Nation’s Worst Climate Disaster in Recent Memory
Half the population of Vanuatu has been left homeless.
Free Speech or Litigation Risk? Kochs Risk Senate Democrats’ Climate Research Funding
The free speech defense offered by the Kochs sidesteps the fact that some government-funded activities are at the heart of the matter.
Climate Change Poses Serious Threats to Food Distribution
By now there has been a steady stream of news about climate change's impacts on food production.
Talking About Climate Change Banned in Florida?
The Florida agency most responsible for fighting climate change is banned from talking about it.
William Rivers Pitt | How to Die of Dumb
The equation we are busily erasing from the blackboard - for profit while encased in a suffocating bag of ignorance - is ourselves.
Our Planet’s Lungs Are Dying
We need to start protecting our planet's forests.