Climate Crisis

The Looming Catastrophe

Capitalism, Green or Otherwise, Is “Ecological Suicide“
Author Richard Smith recognizes that building a movement requires more than being against ecocidal destruction.

Dahr Jamail | Mourning the Changes That Surround Us: Readers Speak Out on Climate
We asked Truthout readers to share observations of weather anomalies in their areas.

Lighting a Legal Fuse to Address Climate Disruption
People from Seattle to Fiji are filing lawsuits over global warming.

Pushing for the Dismantling of Anti-Climate, Pro-War Economies
James Hansen wants profits to be tied to lower carbon emissions.

They Knew, They Lied: ExxonMobil and Climate Change
ExxonMobil was aware of the existence and dangers of global climate change as early as 1981.

On the News With Thom Hartmann: We’re Running Out of Time to Save Our Species, and More
That's the warning issued recently by scientists.

A Buddhist Perspective on the Pope’s Climate Statement
His words boldly proclaim that humanity is charged with the gravest moral responsibility.

Marla Spivak: Breeding Bees to Detect Disease
With honeybee populations on the decline, scientists, lawyers, and even artists have set out to save humanity's most important pollinators.

Dahr Jamail | Mass Extinction: It’s the End of the World as We Know It
Citing abrupt climate disruption, evolutionary biologist Guy McPherson argues that humans may soon face our own extinction.