Campaign Finance
Why Ordinary Citizens Have No Say
The US could be at the forefront of creating a global green economy that runs on renewable energy. Unfortunately, we can't beat our addiction to big money.
Oil Lobby Spending in California Increases by 400 Percent
A ground-breaking report released this month reveals that Big Oil spent $123.6 million to lobby elected officials in California over the past 15 years.
Wisconsin Had Best-Run Elections in US, So Republicans Fixed ‘Em
Wisconsin has high rates of participation, short lines and no problem with fraud, yet Republicans have remained uniquely fixated on enacting sweeping changes to how the state's elections are …
Rigging the Electoral System for the Rich
Americans believe, correctly, that the system is rigged for the rich.
Billionaires Score Big Win With McCutcheon Decision
The Supreme Court's majority ruled that a government of, by, and for the wealthy isn't corrupt.
The Supreme Court Just Gave You One More Reason To Join the Clean Elections Movement
The McCutcheon decision will boost the political power of the one percent at the expense of the rest of us. But it also adds to the urgency of the …
What Corruption? McCutcheon Reveals Absurdity of Citizens United
The McCutcheon decision appears to acknowledge that big donations to independent Super PACs can be useful to candidates — and arguably, pose a risk of corruption.
One 5-4 Vote
Since the Supreme Court ruled to abolish overall limits on campaign contributions...
Sen. Bernie Sanders: Supreme Court Undermines Democracy by Allowing Billionaires To “Buy Elections”
Amy Goodman speaks to Independent Sen. Bernie Sanders of Vermont about Wednesday's landmark decision in McCutcheon v. FEC and his fight to remove big money from the electoral process.
Five Reasons the Average American Has Little Chance of Becoming President
Beginning in primary school, American students learn about the inclusive nature of democracy, which promises that regardless of sex, creed, or religion, any United States citizen can become President. …