Campaign Finance
Liberal Outside Money Groups Spend Big in North Carolina
Most people have come to associate outside money with conservatives, but North Carolina elections are bucking the trend.
Supreme Court: Helping Biggest Donors, But What About Voters?
SCOTUS has made clear that it will judge attempts to restrict monetary “participation” in elections very strictly. Restrictions on voting have been judged far more leniently.
Progressive Activism Seen as Key to Democratic Turnout in Midterm Elections
Members of the Congressional Progressive Caucus see activism and organization as key to Democratic turnout in the midterms, but activists are looking for a politics that puts people and …
Kraft Foods Faces Pressure to Keep Money Out of Politics
During its annual meeting of shareholders today, Kraft Foods Group, Inc. will face a resolution filed by the Green Century Equity Fund urging the company to refrain from using …
High-Dollar 2014 Primary Elections
It is early in the 2014 election cycle, but already we are seeing spending patterns that shed light on whether some of the many speculations about this year's political …
Dark Money Group Sues IRS Over Targeting, Disclosure
A conservative nonprofit that recently sued the Internal Revenue Service is one of the “dark money” groups pouring anonymous funds into elections since the Citizens United ruling.
Five Videos Worth Watching From the Senate Dark Money Hearing
In a recent hearing on dark money, some very smart people shared their thoughts about big money's corrupting influence on our democracy, and what might be done to limit …
Tech Companies Adopt Astroturf to Get Their (Wicked) Way
Tech corporations out to increase their already immense profits have begun funding organizations professedly aiming to bring positive change for the masses. However, these groups largely serve the interests …
Free Speech Or Bribery?
This month the US Supreme took another step toward the destruction of campaign finance reform with a five to four decision known as McCutcheon v. Federal Elections Commission.
Why Ordinary Citizens Have No Say
The US could be at the forefront of creating a global green economy that runs on renewable energy. Unfortunately, we can't beat our addiction to big money.