Campaign Finance
We Must Stop the Tyrannical Minority
The majority of us have to do something before the billionaires take over completely.
Corporate Party Favors at the Inaugural Shindig
Restrictions on government contractors giving money to politicians don't apply to the inaugural. They should.
Democracy Outbreak in Ohio
One small town is standing up to deep-pocketed campaign cash.
Wisconsin Legislators Receive $24K in Campaign Contributions After Pushing ALEC Predatory Lending Bill
Wisconsin's effort to open the state to predatory lenders using American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) legislation has paid dividends for the ALEC legislators behind it.
Solving the Six-Billion Dollar Problem
Nick Nyhart, co-founder, President and CEO of Public Campaign, discusses the potential solutions to the $6 billion dollar problem.
On the News With Thom Hartmann: Germany Moves to Outlaw High-Speed Trading Robots, and More
Striking NFL referees watch their position strengthen as replacement refs make bad calls, and more.
Can Corporations Be Made to Fit Democratic Theory and Vision?
Intimately related to economic inequality is the matter of time - in this case as it concerns democracy as well as liberty
Supreme Court Declines to Revisit Citizens United
In a brief unsigned decision, the Supreme Court on Monday declined to have another look at its blockbuster 2010 campaign finance decision, Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission.