Campaign Finance
The Finances of a Second Chance
Candidates who did not make a successful run for federal office and run for a state post, often have to start fundraising all over again.
Self Funding and Democracy
Soon the US public may learn firsthand that self-funding candidates represent themselves.
Opponents of GMO Labeling Broke Washington’s Campaign Finance Law
A trade group broke Washington State law by funneling millions of dollars to defeat a GMO labeling initiative, a court found.
How Do Potential Supreme Court Nominees Stack Up on “Citizens United”?
Would President Obama's Supreme Court justice candidates favor campaign finance reforms?
Revealed: The Fossil Fuel Tycoons Trying to Buy the US Election
An elite group of millionaires and billionaires with ties to fossil fuels have spent more than $100 million in this US election cycle.
Money and the 2016 US Presidential Elections: The $10 Billion Contest
The people of the US now believe the entire process is rigged in favor of rich contributors.
Numbers to Know About the 2016 Presidential Race
New financial filings filled with curiosities, surprises.
A Glossary of Campaign Finance in the US
Campaign finance in the US can be very complicated and confusing.
Hillary Clinton’s Little Red Riding Hood Problem
As Candidates Vie for the “Anti-Establishment” Label, Real Establishment Lives On
There is a money establishment behind the political establishment, spending secretly in our elections, and they are playing the long game.