Campaign Finance
Best of 2017: Ten Stories of Money and Politics
The OpenSecrets team put together their favorite stories from this very memorable year in politics.
In Alabama, Senate Race Raises Disclosure Concerns
In the Alabama Senate race, super PAC Highway 31 is raising eyebrows.
Outside Spending Targets Wisconsin Sen. Tammy Baldwin
Freedom Partners has spent around $1.7 million to defeat Baldwin.
Big Money Pours Into Virginia’s Close Governor’s Race
The Virginia race is shaping up to be the year's closest gubernatorial election.
House Spending Bill Would Decimate Campaign Finance Rules
Three riders deep inside the House appropriations bill would bar federal agencies from enforcing campaign finance laws.
Conservatives Are Suing Seattle for Implementing Innovative Campaign Finance Reform
In 2015, Seattle voters passed an initiative creating the nation's first “democracy voucher” program.
The Battles Ahead: Meet the Biggest Opponents of Single-Payer
Medicare for All has massive public support but only meager support in Congress. Here's why.
Dark Money Turns Elections Into Trench Warfare
Voters see the results of money in political fights — ads, direct mail, etc. — but they often can't see who's behind it.
Why Even the Private Health Insurance Industry Hates the House Health Bill
Leaders of the private health industry want you to look elsewhere while they help write the Senate version of Trumpcare.
Biggest Share of Inaugural Funding Came From Wall Street
Trump has not made it easy to calculate where his contributions came from.